- The interrelationship between economic and social structure
- Processes of change of economic organisations and institutions
- Markets understood as social structures and networks
- Labour markets, employment, and conflict
- Welfare state analysis and social security
- Economic and social inequality and perceptions of social justice
- Social ethics of the market in face of globalization
International Faculty: More than 40 academic teachers of the eight partner universities and associated national research institutions share in teaching und supervising the doctoral students.
Funding: Many of the participating universities award scholarships to candidates who have successfully applied. In Berlin, for example, doctoral students have the opportunity to apply for a scholarship for up to 36 months based on an annual assessment of their progress. In addition funding for teaching and research assistantships as well as first-year and write-up fellowships are given. Facilities such as office space and computer are provided to each candidate. Research travel grants and means for conference participation are normally provided. Language courses can be financed as well.
Admission: Admission is based upon academic excellence and is open to students with an economic or social science background who meet the admission requirements of their home university. Candidates may be citizens of countries other than those of the partner universities. The application procedure is identical in all Sess.EuroPhD partner universities. Applicants should decide at which university his or her research interests are represented best and should direct their application to the respective university. Candidates must have completed an academic education with above average results of a minimum of five years in the fields of social sciences or economics. They should meetthe degree requirements equivalent to a Master of Arts as established by the respective national grant authorities or laid down in the guidelines of the respective university. The degree must be obtained by the beginning of the academic year they want to apply for. English proficiency at an academic level is assumed. The application deadline is March 31st for the following winter semester. Applicants who proceed to the second round of applications will be interviewed in late June. The deadline might vary depending on the university applied to. Hence the deadline should be checked with the respective contact person. For admission details go to *http://www.europhd.org/admission*where youcan submit your application electronically.
Contact: For all concerns please contact: Dr. Ulrike Tikvah Kissmann Academic Manager Sess. EuroPhD Humboldt Universityof Berlin Institute of Social Sciences Unter den Linden 6 D-10099 Berlinsess@sowi.hu-berlin.de
Prof. Bernd Wegener Dean Faculty of Arts and Humanities III Programme, Director Sess. EuroPhD Humboldt University of Berlin Institute of SocialSciences Unter den Linden 6 D-10099, Berlin. wegener@sowi.hu-berlin.de
For detailed information visit http://www.europhd.org/–Bettina WagnerHumboldt-Universit?t zu BerlinBerlin Graduate School of Social Sciences, Ph.D candidate in Socio-Economic and Statistical Studies, Luisenstr. 5610117 Berlin. Tel. +49 (0)30 2093 5351
Private: Bettina WagnerKarl-Kungerstr. 6312435 Berlin. Tel. +49 (0)30 52684584. Mobile: +49 (0)177 71 76 394
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