Friday, April 24, 2009

PhD scholarships in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan

Several PhD scholarships are available in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan within the framework of a newly established Global-COE (Global Center of Excellence) devoted to the “Elucidation and Design of Materials and Molecular Functions” for the intake April 2009. 17 Research groups are involved in this new Global-COE from a wide range of topics like
(1) “Highly Efficient Chemical Synthesis” through selective molecular catalysis;
(2) “Use of Polymer Science for Development of Molecules with Novel Properties and Functions” including higher-order structure control for polymers and supramolecules;
(3) “Development of Molecules with New Functions Through Nanochemistry” for nanocarbons, thin films, and supramolecular materials; and
(4) “Chemical Aspects of Life Science” for understanding the complexity of biological phenomena from a chemical viewpoint. More detailed information can be found in the web page
This Global-COE will develop young global research leaders responsible for the future of materials science through comprehensive and world-class education and research for creating new trends in development of molecular functions in materials science. Nagoya University is one of the top Japanese Universities with an excellent infrastructure and Nagoya is a city with a very high but still very affordable standard of living.
The financial support is very generous! The Department of Chemistry at Nagoya University is proud to be the home of Nobel Laureate Prof. Ryoji Noyori. The support for accepted students is excellent and very competitive; if accepted, students will receive a stipend of ca. 1500 US$ per month and free housing in a nice apartment! For more information please visit and apply directly at or contact:
Prof Dr. Berthold Fischer Research Center for Materials Science (RCMS) Nagoya University Furo-cho Chikusa-ku Nagoya 464-8602 Japan Email:
Category : Chemistry, Chemical engineeringContact address : Dr. Berthold Fischer Nagoya University Furo-cho Chikusa-ku Nagoya, Aichi 464-8602 Japan
Keywords : Chemistry, Chemical engineering, PhD scholarships Name : Dr. Berthold Fischer Email :