Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Graduate Summer Research Fellowships

The Institute for Religion, Culture and Public Life is currently accepting applications for GRADUATE research fellowships for Summer and Fall 2009. Up to five fellowships are available to doctoral students who are preparing dissertation proposals for research related to the Institute’s broad intellectual mission. The fellowship will provide each student $4000 to cover expenses directly related to the development of his/her dissertation prospectus.
Applications are welcome from any student in a Ph.D. program in the Arts and Sciences or in the law school’s J.S.D. program, who has completed his/her exams and needs to conduct preliminary research to formulate a dissertation prospectus. Preference will be given to students who are doing international research and need to travel abroad. In compelling cases, travel within the U.S. to consult archives or conduct research in particular communities will be considered.
Application Process:
Please provide
a letter of reference from a faculty member who will serve on your dissertation committee;
a three-page description of the research project, including travel plans, an itemized budget and a schedule for completion of the dissertation.
Please include your departmental affiliation and up-to-date contact information.
**Applications are due to Emily Brennan no later than February 6, 2009 at 5pm
**:Emily Brennan:
Institute for Religion
Culture and Public Life
80 Claremont Avenue
Room 306, MC 9611New York
NY 10027
Tel. 212-851-4145
Fax. 212-851-078