Monday, December 1, 2008

CSIC’s Summer JAE-Intro Programme

350 undergraduate positions available for the CSIC’s Summer “JAE-Intro Programme”, Spain

The CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-
The Spanish National Research Council), the largest research Institution in Spain is now accepting applications for its 2009 Summer “JAE-Intro Programme” for undergraduates who wish to spend research stays of two months at the CSIC´s Centres.350 positions are open in all scientific resarch areas. Successful candidates will be awarded two separate payments of €1,000 (a total of €2,000) plus travel expenses.

Only online applications are accepted

Deadline for applications is 17 December 2008
More information, conditions and access to the application can be found in the following pages:

Introduction to Research:
Scholarship for Research Stay: