The research project is entitled “Long-term responses of northern Arizona grasses to climate and land-use change,” and the student will examine demographic and basal area changes of the major plant species over the past 90 years (early 1900s until present) on a set of historical permanent plots. The graduate research assistantship (GRA) is for four years (July 1, 2009 until June 30, 2013) and the GRA package includes a stipend, student insurance, and out-of-state tuition waiver.
If you are interested, please contact Dr. Margaret M. Moore (Margaret.Moore[at]nau.edu; 928-523-7457). NAU’s application deadline for fall semester is March 15, 2009. For more information about the NAU School of Forestry, please visit our website (http://www.for.nau.edu/cms/).
Additional information about graduate applications and requirements can be found at: http://www.for.nau.edu/cms/content/view/477/640/ .
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