Just about any teaching student can apply for these great scholarships.
1- Straightforward Media Teacher Scholarship: Every three months this website gives out a $500 scholarship to students currently enrolled in a teaching program.
2- National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Scholarship Fund: These scholarships are given out in varying amounts to current and future teachers in areas all over the US.
3- The Coca-Cola Foundation Teacher Scholarships: Teachers nationwide can apply for a scholarship through the Coca-Cola Foundation and awards are given out in varying amounts.
4- Applegate/Jackson/Parks Future Teacher Scholarship: Undergraduate or graduate students majoring in education can apply for this scholarship in the amount of $1000.
5- Phi Delta Kappa Prospective Educator Scholarships: These scholarships are awarded to large number of students each year who are high school or college, are members of PDK, a sponsored club or have a parent who is. Awards range from $500 to $1500.
6- Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation Scholarship: Undergraduate or high school students interested in pursing a career in education can get awards in varying amounts through this scholarship.
7- American Montessori Society Teacher Education Scholarship Fund: Varying amounts are awarded each year to up to 20 students enrolled in an undergraduate education program.
8- Common Knowledge Scholarship Foundation: Two freshmen college students in education will have a chance to win this $250 award each year.
9- Zeta Phi Beta Isabel M. Herson Scholarship in Education: Awards between $500-1000 are given out to several undergraduate and graduate students who are majoring in education each year.
10- AFT Robert G Porter Scholars Program: Between 4-10 undergraduate and graduate students majoring in education who have been AFT members for at least one year can win this $1000 award.
11- Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarships: The Office of Postsecondary Education offers this award to high school students entering a program in education. It covers many fees, but will require students to commit to teaching for at least two years at a specific school after graduation.
Region Specific
These scholarships are limited to certain states or regions.
12- Boeing Teacher Scholarships: Boeing generously provides scholarships to current teachers working in specific school districts in Southern California. Award amounts will vary depending on the applicant.
13- The Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation Scholarship: Teachers seeking advanced degrees in education can apply for scholarships from this foundation. Applicants must be current teachers in Western Pennsylvania's Fayette, Greene and Washington counties.
14- Edison International Scholarship: Teachers working in Southern California's San Gabriel Valley, Ventura County, San Bernardino County and the San Joaquin Valley can apply for this award which is given out in varying amounts.
15- Edward B. Rust, Jr. Scholarship Fund: Given out by the CEO of State Farm Insurance, this award is given out to teaching students in Illinois who are seeking certification in a Master's degree program. It varies in amount according to need.
16- Judy Wolpe Endowed Scholarship Fund: One teacher working in the Michigan or Washington DC areas can win this award, which varies in amount each year.
17- Golden Apple Scholar of Illinois: Students pursuing teaching degrees in Illinois can apply for this award. Students must be in high school students entering a program in the fall or a college sophomore. Additionally, students must attend one of 53 member institutions. Award amounts will vary by student.
18- HOPE Teacher Scholarship Loan for Graduate Study in Critical Shortage Fields: To qualify for this award, students must hold a bachelors or masters degree in teaching and want to work towards an additional degree in a critical field. They must also be residents of Georgia and agree to teach in a Georgia school after graduation.
19- Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority: Undergraduate and graduate students working towards teacher certification at a Kentucky school can apply for this award. Amounts range from $625 to $2000 each semester.
20- Pacific Teacher Scholarship Fund: If you live in specific Pacific countries and are currently enrolled in a teacher certification program you can apply for this scholarship which gives out $750 to $1,000 to five students each year.
21- Tomorrow Teachers Scholarship Program: In order to recruit and sustain teachers in high need areas in New York, teachers can apply for this grant which can give them up to $3400 each year.
22- Emma Scott Scholarship for Future Teachers: Junior and Senior students in a teaching program who are members of the AEA or high school seniors can apply for this award which is given out to three students each year.
23- Missouri Teacher Education Scholarship: In order to attract teachers to high need areas, the state of Missouri provides these scholarships to those enrolled in teaching programs. Awards vary in amount.
24- North Carolina Prospective Teacher Scholarship Loan: Both undergraduate students and high school seniors can apply for this award which gives out $2500 to $4000 to qualified applicants.
25- The Underwood-Smith Teacher Scholarship Program: Students in education programs in West Virginia can get this award which varies in amount depending on the student.
Minority students can get extra support through these scholarship programs.
26- Rockefeller Brothers Fund: Teaching students of minority groups, 25 college juniors each year, can get up to $22000 over five years with the promise to teach in a public school for three years.
27- Hispanic Scholarship Fund and State Farm Scholarships: Each year this scholarship is given out to 20 Hispanic college students and awards them with up to $2500.
28- Siemens Foundation Teacher Scholarship: Minority students pursuing a teacher career can apply for this scholarship which is given out in varying amounts each year to at least five students.
29- Minority Teachers of Illinois Scholarship Program: Students who are planning to become preschool, elementary or secondary school teachers and are of African American, Hispanic, Asian or Native American origin may qualify for up to $5,000 per year as part of this Illinois scholarship program.
30- Western Washington University Future Teachers of Color Promise Scholarships: To qualify for this scholarship, students must be enrolled with WWU as a sophomore or junior in a teaching program and be of a minority. Award amounts will vary by student.
31- NAACP Lillian and Samuel Sutton Education Scholarship: Students who are members of the NAACP and majoring in education at the undergraduate and graduate levels can earn up to $1000 to $2000.
32- Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund: Undergraduate minority students majoring in education can qualify for up to $4000 through this award.
33- Florida Fund for Minority Teachers: Students enrolled in an undergraduate program at a Florida university, who are of select minority groups and who are majoring in education can be awarded up to $4000 a year.
34- University of Louisville Minority Teacher Scholarship: This scholarship is available to full or part-time minority students pursuing initial teacher certification at the University of Louisville. It covers al tuition expenses.
35- State of Arkansas Minority Teacher Scholars Program: African-American, Asian-American, Native-American, and Hispanic students attending a university in Arkansas can earn up to $5000 of support a year if they are willing to work in an Arkansas public school for five years.
Science and Math
Those focusing on these in-demand fields can get access to these funds.
36- GlaxoSmithKline Endowed Scholarship Fund: Present and future science teachers working or planning to work in middle to high school education can apply for these scholarships handed out by GlaxoSmithKline. Awards vary in amount.
37- AAPT Barbara Lotze Scholarships for Future Teachers: Two scholarships are given out each year to students who plan to teach physics after graduation from an undergraduate program. Students can win up to $2000 for four years.
38- Hach Scientific Foundation Chemistry Teacher Scholarship: Current high school teachers with ideas to improve their classrooms and programs can apply for this scholarship which grants a minimum of $1500.
39- Knowles Science Teaching Foundation Fellowship: Students who have received a bachelor's or advanced degree in science, engineering or mathematics and who teach high school science or mathematics can get this fellowship as well as students who are in teacher certification programs in these specializations. Support ranges but can be up to $10000.
40- Society of Physics Teachers Leadership Scholarship: Full-time undergraduate students in their junior or senior years in a physics teaching program will be eligible for this award. $5000 is given to one student and several students will get $2000.
41- Newton Fellowship Program: This fellowship is available to teachers currently working in the field of mathematics who are willing to complete graduate school and commit to four years of teaching in a New York City high school. A full scholarship for school is granted as well as $90,000 over five years.
42- Texas Instruments Demana-Waits Fund: Through this fund, one sophomore student pursuing a degree in teaching high school mathematics can earn a one time scholarship of $10,000.
43- David R. Layman Endowed Scholarship in Biology at NIU:Northern Illinois University students working towards a degree in teaching secondary school biology can apply for this award which grants scholarships in varied number and amounts each year.
44- The Mikkelson Mathematics and Science Teacher Scholarship Fund: Students pursuing a degree in the math and science teaching fields can qualify for the variety of awards given out through this fund.
45- Math for America Fellowship: This fellowship is a $50,000, four-year award available to teachers of mathematics in the New York City public secondary schools. The money must be used for student development programs or teacher education.
Subject Specific
These scholarships focus on a variety of subject specific teaching fields.
46- JEA Future Teacher Scholarship: The Journalism Education Association sponsors up to three $1000 scholarships for upper level undergraduate or graduate education majors who intend to teach scholastic journalism.
47- Suzuki Association of the Americas: Get some extra study time in over the summer with this scholarship program which awards $350 to $475 to undergraduate students of music who are SAA members.
48- Rudolph Dillman Memorial Scholarship: The American Foundation for the Blind offers this scholarship to undergraduate students who are entering programs to teach blind students. Awards range from $1000 to $2500.
49- Sigma Alpha Iota Music Education Scholarship: Students pursuing a masters or doctoral degree in music education and who are SAI members can apply for this $1500 award.
50- Dorothy B. Lucas Special Education Scholarship: Two scholarships of $2500 are awarded each year to students getting their MA in special education.
51- Mary Ann Baugher O'Brien Special Education Scholarship: Undergraduate or graduate students are the recipients of this award and must be majoring in special education.
52- Bill and Diane Stoneman Physical Education Scholarship Endowment: Undergraduate students enrolled in a physical education degree program at the University of Idaho can win this annual award.
53- The North Carolina Council for the Social Studies Student Teacher Scholarship: This $1000 scholarship is awarded to one student at Duke University who is pursuing teacher certification in social studies.
54- C.L. Dick Highfill Scholarship for Health and Physical Education Teachers: Northwestern Oklahoma State University awards this scholarship to one qualified physical education major with an interest in coaching.
Fellowships and Graduate Level Scholarships
There are plenty of awards available for upper level and post-graduate study.
55- Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Program: Teachers in this fellowship program spend one year working in a congressional office or federal agency and are expected to work towards improving math, science and technology education.
56- Horace Mann Abraham Lincoln Fellowship: Teachers with a special interest in the life of Abraham Lincoln will jump at the chance to study him through this fellowship. Numerous fellowships are given each year and lodging, food and transportation are covered during the duration.
57- Teacher as Researcher Grant: Current teachers working to improve literacy and instruction in the classroom can win this grant which ranges from $1000 to $5000.
58- James Madison Graduate Fellowships: Get funding to better teach the American Constitution through this fellowship program.
59- Teach NYC Cohort Program: NYC is in need of qualified teachers and this cohort program can provide full tuition to students pursuing a masters in teaching who are willing to teach after graduation in critical need areas.
60- GWU Corey Hansen Scholarship Endowment: George Washington University graduate students pursuing a career in education administration or secondary education can be eligible to apply for this award.
61- College of Charleston Matthew Scott Ciganovic Memorial Scholarship: Undergraduate or MAT clinical practice students at the College of Charleston working towards teaching students with special learning challenges may be able to apply for this award.
62- University of Alaska-Anchorage Sheri Stears Education Scholarship: Students pursuing BA and graduate level degrees at the UAA in early childhood education and teaching can submit applications for this supportive scholarship.
63- The Citizen Schools National Teaching Fellowship: This fellowship is a two-year, leadership development program, including service as a team leader at a Citizen Schools campus. This fellowship is intended to prepare students for careers as leaders in their fields.
64- Pearson Teacher Fellowship: Earn up to $12,500 over two years through this fellowship which puts education students to work in preschools.
65- Lilly Endowment Teacher Creativity Fellowship Program: Indiana's public school teachers can apply for this fellowship which supports programs in schools to improve creativity. Up to 120 awards are granted at $8,000 each.
66- John Hopkins The Allen Grossman Teaching Fellowship: Johns Hopkins graduate students with teaching experience are eligible for this fellowship which helps improve their academic writing, gives full tuition and an annual stipend of $18,000.
Current Teacher
Those currently working as teachers can get funding for further education and educational projects through these scholarships.
67- IRA Jerry Johns Outstanding Teacher Educator in Reading Award: College or university teachers of reading methods or reading-related courses can apply for this $1000 award.
68- Dale Seymour Fund: Current teachers can get funding to learn more about math through these workshop scholarships. A maximum of $2000 is awarded to a number of teachers working in grades K-5.
69- Inspired Teacher Scholarships: Inspiration Software funds this $1000 scholarship which is given to 25 teachers to use for personal development or new technology.
70- Fund for Teachers: Teachers from all over the nation can apply for these scholarships which give out funding in varying amounts for educational programs and professional development.
71- The Horace Mann Scholarship Program for Educators: This scholarship goes to primary, secondary, and post-secondary educators with at least 2 years of experience. The maximum award amount is $5,000.
72- Florida Critical Teacher Shortage Tuition Reimbursement Program: Those holding current teacher certification in Florida can get tuition reimbursement for graduate or undergraduate study in a critical need area.
73- Iowa Teacher Shortage Forgivable Loan Program: New graduates teaching in critical areas in Iowa schools can get up to 20% of their school loans repaid through this incentive program.
74- Mississippi Graduate Teacher Summer Loan/Scholarship: Teachers heading back to school to get a Master's degree can get some assistance from the state of Mississippi in the form of tuition reimbursement with the promise to teach in critical areas in public schools.
75- Grow Your Own Teacher Scholarships: Students at select Idaho universities can take advantage of up to $3000 if they are working towards ESL education degrees or are Native American students expecting to teach in a predominantly Native American area.
76- Jostens Renaissance Teacher Scholarship: Up to 4 scholarships of $1000 go out to teachers at Jostens Renaissance schools who want to go back to school for additional education.
77- IRA Reggie Routman Teacher Recognition Award: The International Reading Association hands out this award to two teachers each year (one elementary and one secondary) who have excelled in teaching writing or reading. Applicants must be IRA members and the award is a one time payment of $1000.
78- The UPS Foundation Scholarship: The United Parcel Service gives out scholarships in varying amounts to teachers in Arizona, Texas and Washington pursing degrees in Early Childhood Literary or Reading programs.
College Specific
Many individual colleges offer scholarships to teaching students like these listed here.
79- WGU Scholarships for Rural Mathematics and Science Educators: Those living in a rural community who wish to become math or science teachers and take courses at the masters or undergraduate level can get up to $7500 in funding to attend Western Governors University.
80- The Drexel University Noyce Scholarships: The Noyce scholarship goes to an undergraduate with a major in Mathematics or an area of Science or Engineering an provides $10,000 per year for two years.
81- University of Kentucky Opal T. and Theresa W. Bondurant Scholarship Fund: This scholarship provides funding to female students pursuing a degree in education at the University of Kentucky. Award amounts will vary.
82- University of Northern Illinois Iris Adams Memorial Scholarship: This annual award goes out to an NIU student at the junior level who is majoring in special education and can demonstrate financial need.
83- University of Wisconsin Madison Mary Ann Brichta Scholarship: Sophomores, juniors and seniors of a minority group majoring in Elementary or Secondary Education at UW can apply for this award. The amount awarded varies.
84- NC State John, Rebecca and Drew Logan Scholarship: This scholarship goes out to undergraduate students in education who have a special interest in special education. Award amounts vary by student.
85- California State University, Chico Teacher Recruitment Scholarship: Scholarships through this program awarded want to become secondary mathematics and science teachers. The awards will vary from $500 - $2000.
86- Kansas State University Tomorrow's Teachers Scholarship: High school seniors who are Kansas residents and who will be attending KSU for an education major can apply for this scholarship. It awards up to $2500 for each school year.
87- Shorter University TEACH Grant Program: Teacher education majors at Shorter who are planning to teach in a low income school in a high need field can qualify for this $4000 award.
88- Point Loma Student Teacher Scholarship: Students at Point Loma can get funding during their student teaching for tuition and books. Three scholarships of $1500 are awarded.
Study Abroad and Foreign Language
Those going into foreign language education or teachers who want to learn abroad can take advantage of these scholarships.
89- The Association of Teachers of Japanese Bridging Project Scholarship: 100 American undergraduate students participating in study-abroad programs in Japan can get funding for study and living expenses through this scholarship program. Awards range from $2500 to $4000.
90- Goethe Institut German Teacher Scholarships: German teacher scholarships are offered for participation in language courses and professional development seminars. These awards vary in amount.
91- Winthrop-King Scholarships for High School Teachers of French: Teachers enrolled in a graduate program for French can win $1750-$10000 depending on their studies to take courses abroad.
92- Vermont Foreign Language Association Scholarships: Advanced level students of French can win a variety of scholarships to attend several different seminars up to $200.
93- School for International Training IATEFL Scholarship Fund: The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language offers this scholarship to students entering a master's degree program in teaching at SIT can win up to $15,000 of support.
94- Spanish Embassy/MaFLA Teacher Scholarship: One MaFLA member can win a full scholarship to participate in a summer education program at a Spanish university. Applicants must be current Spanish teachers.
95- ACTFL Spanish Language Study Scholarship: ACTFL members who are current Spanish teachers can apply for this scholarship that covers room and board and tuition for a two week study abroad program in Mexico.
96- AATF Walter Jensen Scholarship: A future teacher of French can get up to $1500 for study abroad through this scholarship program.
97- AATA Aldeen Foundation Scholarship for Arabic Language Teachers: Teachers of Arabic can get funding to attend several national and international conferences with this $1000 scholarship. 98- American Association of Teachers of German Endowed Scholarship: Future teachers of German can be eligible to receive varying awards from this scholarship fund.
99- Japan America Society of Chicago Scholarship Foundation: Undergraduate students looking to teach can study in Japan for a semester or a year with this scholarship ranging from $2,500 - $4,000.
100- Fulbright Scholarships: Fulbright offers numerous scholarships that allow students to pursue teaching opportunities abroad. These awards range in amount and are given to both undergraduate and graduate students.
101- National Spanish Examination Scholarship: The NSE offers one scholarship of $3500 for teacher study abroad in Spain and two scholarships for up to $1800 for teacher study abroad in Costa Rica.
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