The Centre’s Visiting Fellowship Program is aimed at supporting and hosting local and international scholars wishing to undertake research at the Australian National University. Applications from scholars interested in the 2009 research themes of the Centre are welcome. The research themes are: Peace, Security and Terrorism; Intercultural Dialogue; Citizenship, Migration and Identity; Europe-Australia Partnership; The EU in the Asia-Pacific. Please note that while priority is accorded to applications addressing these themes, proposals outside these themes will also be considered.
Visiting Fellow (with grant): This Fellowship is for a period between one and six months. The grants can be used towards economy airfares and accommodation for the Visiting Fellow. The maximum contribution for travel is AUD$3,500. This financial assistance is not a salary replacement.
Visitor: Short-term visitors, who wish to participate in the National Europe Centre’s program of activities, may apply at any time to visit the Centre. Participants may apply for reimbursement of travel and/or accommodation costs.
Visiting Scholar: This scholarship of up to $5000 is aimed at current PhD students and early-career academics within two years of the completion of their doctoral studies. This financial assistance is for travel and accommodation.
APPLICATION PROCEDURESApplication Form: Applicants should submit a completed application form, together with a CV and list of publications and/or professional activities. To download the application form, click here.
Project Proposal: Applicants should provide a one-page description of their planned research project - see information on the application form.
Referees' Reports: Applicants need to provide the names of two referees who will support their application. Referees should submit their confidential report separately to the National Europe Centre on the form provided, by the closing date of that Call for Applications. To download the referee report, click here.
Send: Applications should be sent by post, fax or email to by 31 December 2008.Postal address: The Director, Attn: Visiting Fellows Program, National Europe Centre, The Australian National University, 1 Liversidge Street (Building 67C), Canberra ACT 0200, AUSTRALIA
Fax: +61 2 6125 9976
Email: europe@anu.edu.au
Further information: Please contactFax: +61 2 6125 9976
Email: europe@anu.edu.au
Ms Dora Horvath, Centre Coordinator.
Telephone: +61 2 6125 9896
Fax: +61 6125 9976
Email: Dora.Horvath@anu.edu.au
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