Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) offers Graduate Research Program (GRP) for deserving and qualified students. This is a new graduate-level program aiming at providing the state of the art education in the rapidly progressing field of computer science and information technologies. Each student in this program will be associated with one of research projects conducted by our nationally and internationally recognized faculty members, and will participate in research and development under the project. Through the involvement in a cutting-edge research project, the student receives in-depth training and high-quality research supervision directly by the responsible faculty members throughout the enrollment.
Research Projects
The graduate research program is run in cooperation with funded research projects. Each student admitted to this program will belong to one of those projects, and will work in collaboration with the faculty members and research stuffs of the project. On admission, the admissions committee tentatively assigns each student a research project based on the information provided in the application documents. After enrollment, the students will be given an opportunity to select a research project according to his/her interests.
In addition to adequate office space and research equipment, the project will provide each student with the following financial supports:
1- Monthly stipend
Each student will receive the salary as a research assistant for his/her own research/study. The amount is calculated as 28 hours per week and 1,400 yen (Japanese Yen) per hour. This means about 157,000 yen per month (or, equivalently about 1,900,000 yen per year). Each year, the contract will be judged to revalidate based on the evaluation.
2- Travel expenses
For foreign students, financial support for onward travel travel will be provided.
3- Research fund
The project will provide sufficient funds for equipments, supplies and research trips necessary to carry out his/her research.
4- Student dormitory
JAIST offers on-campus student dormitory at very reasonable price.
From October 2002, this program is run by the Japanese Governmental grant for promotion of advanced research and education (through March 2007), and from April 2005, cooperating with JSPS funds for 21st Century COE Program (through March 2009). JAIST is among few that have been awarded this funding. The current general theme is “Verification and Development of Highly Reliable Internet Software,” which covers wide range of foundational research on Internet related software, ranging from theoretical foundations to innovative application development. See this page for the current research groups.
Degree Program
The graduate research program offers a graduate education program leading to a Ph.D. degree. This is a 3 year course consisting of the following.
-10 course units
-10 credit units of project work
-dissertation research
Tuitions and fees. Each student must pay his/her tuitions and fees. The current applicable amounts are as follows.
-Annual tuitions: 535,800 yen
-Admission fees: 282,000 yen
-Screening fee: 30,000 yen
Eligible students can apply for exemption of these frees after the admission.
Application Information for April 2009 Admission
The GRP program will accept applications for October admission and for April admission. The following information is only for April 2009 admission.
- Eligibility
Those who hold a degree that is equivalence to master’s degree in Japan or expect to earn such a degree by March 31, 2009 for the term starting in April 2009.
-Application Procedure
This GRP program is part of a doctoral program of the School of Information Science of JAIST. April 2009 admission is the recommendation based GRP admission. They consists of three steps.
- Notify to the GRP Admission Office
Those who would like to apply for the GRP program must also notify the GRP Admission Office his/her intension to apply.
- Contact with your intended supervisors in the faculty members.
All applicants of the GRP program must first contact with intended supervisors in the faculty members of School of Information Science.
Application without the contact with your intended supervisor(s) (and his/her recommendation) will not be considered.
Apply to GRP selectionSend application form to GRP Admission Office before 9th January, 2009.
For details and required documents, read the instruction carefully.
Apply to IAI admission. Beside the selection as a GRP student, an applicant needs to pass regular admission examination of JAIST for April 2006 admission. Please read carefully the instruction of IAI admission (Interactive Admission over the Internet).
The format download
Recommendation letter form from academic employment supervisors is available in word format. Ask the recommender to sign and seal the letter in a letter envelope.
Statement of professional goals, whose format is available in word format. Please consult with your intended supervisor.
Additional notes on TOEFL score:
Although it is indicated that a TOEFL score is “optional” for regular admission, a TOEFL score is desirable for GRP admission. We strongly recommend all the GRP applicants (whose native language is not English) to submit a TOEFL score. The GRP admission committee shall give priority to those who submit high TOEFL score. We expect that successful applicants will have a score of 600 or higher.
Any inquiries should be directed to
The Admissions
Graduate Research Program
School of Information Science
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa 923-1292, JAPAN
E-Mail: GRP@jaist.ac.jp
School of Information Science JAIST Home Page
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